
I spent some time working on another house portrait this morning. I kind of lost myself painting and ‘came to’ ninety minutes later wondering what time it was. I had a lot of detail I needed to work on and when I do that I get sucked in. When I finally had time to step back and look at the work I’d done I realized it was coming along well. 

I printed out some invoices and wrapped the paintings I’ve finished. They’re ready to be delivered tonight. Keeping my fingers crossed the painting Gods shine down on me and send more commissions. 

I’ve been watching the January 6th Committee Hearing. It was on for two and a half hours. I ate lunch, took a quick nap, printed out invoices, wrapped paintings and that thing was still on. There were a few things that I hadn’t seen before. One was Trump’s campaign to discredit Dominion voting machines. I’ve see in the news that they’ve sued him several times but didn’t really know much more than that. What they showed at the hearing were videos of Trump giving conferences about the voting machines and how many were programed to switch votes. Totally made up. 

The other thing I hadn’t seen was footage of congress members in their hideout. They were all on the phone trying to get the Virginia National Guard, the Maryland National Guard, the DC police, police from other jurisdictions, anyone to come help them. 

All I could think as I listened and watched the hearing is that I can’t believe that guy has managed to stay out of jail all these years. How is he not in jail for all this? At the end of the hearing they voted to subpoena him. I can’t wait to see if he shows up for that. He probably will since he’s been complaining about not having a chance to tell his side of the story.

I’ve been listening to a podcast called the The Fifth Column. It’s a group of guys sitting around talking about politics. Sometimes it’s a little chaotic, but for the most part I enjoy it. I think I’m relieved to hear people criticize the left without all the vitriol that actual conservatives would be spewing. I don’t know if these guys are right or left. They sound as if they all live in far left bubbles but in comparison to their communities consider themselves moderate, or a-political. I think that’s where I’m headed.

It’s been a long time since I’ve written about politics. I think I’m burnt out like everyone else, but I’m really burnt out on my own ‘side’. And I hate to say ‘side’ because it makes it seem like a clique. But I’ve always been left leaning, sometimes very, sometimes not so much. Right now I’m irritated about the militant way speech is controlled by the left. It’s like if you don’t already know what progressive college kids and professors know then you’re ignorant. 

Something’s got to give. I hope it does, and I hope it does soon.