When I started painting and writing a year ago I had expectations. I knew there wasn’t a clear path to success for either profession but I still had expectations. I thought I was reaching for something, a goal - a published book or gallery representation - but what I’m learning is that it’s all about the process.
I’ve been hearing this in spiritual circles for years: the joy is in the journey. And it took me a long time to give up my need for measurable results and instant gratification. But I practiced daily - prayer, meditation, journal writing, reflection - and after a while I started to see the impact of living a spiritual life. Now it seems like the joy is in the journey when it comes to business as well.
I hear so many people say that when they started to focus on habits and keeping track of their time they started to experience success in their careers. Writers commit to writing for two hours a day, painters as well, and they let go of the rest. They wait for inspiration. They focus on the work and make it the number one priority.
Steven Pressfield’s book The War of Art came at the right time for me. Being reminded that my daily routine is what makes me a writer or not, that not worrying about what happens to the manuscript, or the finished painting frees me to actually be creative has been uplifting. If I’m thinking and talking about writing or painting and avoiding the actual work, I’m probably not going to get anywhere.
Last week I started keeping a time log. I keep track of everything I do in a day so that I know how I’m spending my time. I thought I was pretty productive before, but after keeping my log I find myself fitting in even more important actions each day. I’m not running around stressed out. I’m actually enjoying my days. But I’m letting go of the confusion and indecision about what to do next. I make a list of income producing action steps and I choose which one to focus on for the next hour.
I am currently focused on standing in front of the easel putting paint on canvas, writing (creative), blogging, reading (both non-fiction geared towards writing and creative success, and fiction), editing videos for YouTube, and drawing. When I have an open hour I pick one action steps and set the timer.
Sometimes I need to do other things like research, numbers, or take care of other business needs, but most days I focus on being creative. Sometimes when I’m painting I listen to podcasts and often, like today, I listen to podcasts focused on helping creative people succeed. It might seem obsessive but for me it’s inspiring.
I don’t always get excited about marketing and selling my work, but lately I’ve been asking myself, What would someone who’s successful at sales and marketing do? and I try and do that. It does’t come to me naturally. I’m more reserved and observant. People I know who are successful at sales are more extroverted and on-the-field as they say. I’m more of a spectator, which is why I think I’m drawn to writing.
So today I’m letting go of expectations and realizing that I’m learning about the work I’m doing, learning about the industries I’m in, one day at a time. Today I’m focused on my daily routine, my work habits, and how I spend my time. I’m constantly asking the Universe, my inner Self, my guides, Higher Power, what can I do next? Lead the way and I’ll follow. We’ll see what happens in the next year. I’m sure there will be many new discoveries along the way.